Welcome to PhotoDorks
PhotoDorks is a collection of photographs that have been uploaded to the internet via PhotoDorks.com and licensed as 'Public Domain.' When an image is uploaded and shared, all rights to that image are waived and it is free to use for any purpose. Each image is also automatically shared on of social profiles, such as the @PhotoDorks twitter handle, Facebook page, Pinterest, Tumblr. You can also Subscribe to PhotoDorks by EmailAll images are licensed with a CC0 Creative Commons Public Domain License. This means you can use it for any commercial project without attribution. While giving credit is not required, it is kindly appreciated if mention PhotoDorks.com as the source.
If you want to get involved with PhotoDorks by sharing and waiving all rights to your photographs. You just need to have the following requirements:
- Willing to waive full rights to every image uploaded, PhotoDorks is free and always will be
- Internet access if required to upload images
- An email address is required
- A Google account is also required
- A camera
Please let me know why you wish to participate and let me know where I can see some of your existing photography.
This project was started by Perry Toone and is powered by services that are supported by Twitter Inc, Google Inc and Thexyz Inc.
You can also check out PhotoDorks social profiles below.

To the extent possible under law, PhotoDorks has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to PhotoDorks. This work is published from: Canada.
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